Saturday, August 15, 2009

2 Months Post-op Thoughs

So it's two months after surgery and things are still going well. At my last doctor's appointment which was a week and a half ago I was 315 lbs. I have not weight in the three-teens since 2002. It's a good feeling to know that in a few months I'll never see the three anything again.

The hardest thing for me since the surgery has been adjusting my social life. I never noticed how much people and social gatherings revolve around food. I am still adjusting to this change but I think over time it will not be so odd because my friends will know that I simply cannot eat in quantity and I won't have to explain to them why.

I'm still battling with the eating one bit too much thing. The chopsticks help tremendously with eating slow and taking smaller bites. Needless to say I have some mad chopstick skills now.

The last thing I've noticed lately is muscle aches are on the increase. Most notably in my back and groin area. I think my back is adjusting itself to not carrying around so much weight and my groin is sore because I'm sure my gait is different and I'm using muscles that I haven't used before.

But all said, I'm still happy I had the surgery and I do not regret it. Socially it's a pain in the butt but otherwise I'm very happy.

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