Thursday, April 16, 2009


Here is my list of questions for my consultation. I will add to this list when I think of additional topics that I feel need to be addressed.

1. What are the various recovery times from surgery? (Hospital discharge, return to school, return to work...)

In general this takes three to six weeks but on average one month.

2. I have already given up soda in preparation for life after surgery, do I need to give up coffee as well?

No, just no coffee for the first two weeks after surgery since the caffeine will slow healing.

3. What about spicy foods such as Indian and Thai?

No problems at all but not until I am on regular food.

4. Is there a support system for adjusting to life after surgery?

They have a support group that meets once a month at the hospital as well as the nutritionist, psychologist, and staff at the center.

5. How soon after surgery can I start exercising?

Walking up to one mile a day is greatly encouraged and after six weeks all routines and activities may be started.

6. If I have surgical related complications that would require a trip to the ED, can I go to my hospital or do I have to go to St. Mary's Hospital?

I can go to my hospital but if it is a serious complication, it would be best if I went to their ER.

7. Due to the often strenuous nature of my profession, should their be additional recover time to prevent possible injury?

I shouldn't need more than six weeks off work.

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