Sunday, June 21, 2009

5 days post-op

I was released from the hospital on Thursday evening. The surgery went well and the doctor estimates that he removed 85% of my stomach or leaving me with about two or three ounces. So far recovery has been progressing slowly but surely. Each day I feel better. I don't really have pain, it's more of a sore feeling in certain spots of my abdomen. I have used two pain pills since returning home. I'm not really a fan of them so the bottle sits there basically unused. However, due to the fact I decided on the VSG procedure I can take ibuprofen. I have been taking 400mg about every 6 to 8 hours and that really helps cut down on the soreness. I am able to sleep on my right side for the most part. I have never been a back sleeper and frankly cannot wait to sleep on my stomach again.

I'm not sure if this is a product of the pain medication, change in diet, or surgery itself but in the hospital my blood pressure was very normal. I believe the lowest reading was 112/57. I cannot remember my blood pressure being that low. So the doctor advised me to forgo the blood pressure medication and see what it is when I return for my 10-day post-op exam.

Since surgery my diet has consisted of clear liquids with the exception of milk for protein drinks. I looking forward to Tuesday when I can introduce "full liquids" into my diet. This consists of yogurt, thinned cream of wheat, blended soups and even blended chili.

Exercise has been progressing. Today I decided to hit the street and go for a walk. I'm disappointed I cannot bring the dog for another week but I'm sure he doesn't mind. His time at the doggy daycare wore him out. I'm not sure if I over did it today but I walked a mile. I guess I will know later. I think I'll do the walks in the morning since it's cooler at that time. However, I'm still not convinced I'll do any outside exercise when it's raining.

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