Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Surgery has Improved Me

Hello World, meet the new and improved Kevin.

I am happier, more positive, and enjoy a better outlook on things. I definitely was not a negative person before surgery but as impossible as it may seem my personality has improved.

Allow me to elaborate.

I have changed A LOT since surgery. My personality is definitely not the same as before I had the surgery. This past week I have came to the realization I have changed. And to be honest, I hope these changes are permanent. I asked my work partner if she has noticed a changed in me since surgery because I feel like I have changed. She told me that I'm happier and a lot more positive. The unimaginable thing is that I think I'm even more outgoing.

The only thing I am taking for granted right now is the fact I don't feel run down and tired all the time. However, even though my overall mood has improved, I don't necessarily think my overall personality has changed. When I look in the mirror I still see me weighing 372 lbs. I still have the same self image that I had before surgery. My brain has not caught up with my physical changes.

I have seen people who have negatively changed since surgery and those are the people who put on the fake act to compensate for being overweight. When it comes to how I interact with people I would like to believe I'm genuine. I'm definitely not nice to people just to make them like me. I believe I learned at an early age that if someone doesn't like me then it's their loss. I think the big the biggest factor is that I never saw myself as a 'fat person'. I didn't let my weight define who I am now or what I can do with our lives. For me, it has gotten in the way but it never defined who I was. Also, I think the biggest thing resisting change is the fact that I liked myself before surgery. I think the ones who change hated themselves before surgery.

Like I said above, when I think of myself, it's like the new and improved Kevin and not the Kevin that became Jack after surgery.

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